
  • The Waterproofing Guide For Improvements After Restoring Water Damage

    The water damage to your home is often caused by failures of mechanical systems and structural components like waterproofing of a foundation. If you are restoring water damage, waterproofing is important to prevent future problems, and you want to know where you will benefit the most from waterproofing improvements. The following waterproofing guide will help you choose the best improvements for your water damage restorations: Drainage and flood control before waterproofing [Read More]

  • Why Do You Have Mold Growing In Your Home?

    Having hidden mold in your home can be quite dangerous. Even if you cannot see it, the mold spores will get into the air and cause health problems for those that breathe them in.  That's why it's so important to eliminate mold in your home. Here are some common reasons why you may have mold growth. Roof Leaks Any time water gets into your home, know that there is a potential for mold growth. [Read More]

  • What To Do When Your Ceiling Floods

    When the average person thinks about a home flood, the idea of water rushing across the floor comes to mind, but sometimes the water comes from above. A ceiling leak can occur from a multitude of different problems, such as a burst pipe, an overflowing bathtub or a problem with the roof. No matter the source of the water, it's essential you know what to do.  1. Head Upstairs If you have a multi-story home, go upstairs right away to discover the source of the water. [Read More]

  • Dealing With Flood Water At Home

    Rain can be enjoyable when you are trying to relax in the comfort of your home, but large amounts of it can lead to a flood and numerous problems. Getting back on track after a flood can be difficult, especially when it leaves the inside of a house soaked and damaged. You basically must get rid of all of the excess water before any of the damages can be repaired. Water damage companies are ideal for contacting in such a situation, as they can speed up the restoration process so you can begin to enjoy your home again. [Read More]

  • Signs Of Foundation Problems And How To Hire A Repair Specialist

    It doesn't matter what type of home you own, there is some type of foundation under it. The main purpose of the foundation is to keep the home as level as possible as the ground beneath it shifts. While the ground was stabilized as much as possible before the foundation was put in, there will still be some movement. Sometimes this movement occurs after the initial settling period. This could be due to unforeseen circumstances such as an abnormal amount of rainfall or snow. [Read More]

  • How to Clean Up Water Associated With A Leaky Pipe And Assess The Room For Damage

    If one of the pipes leading to your home's restroom has burst due to freezing and then thawing out in a short amount of time, you may have encountered flooding in the bathroom and fear that the floor and other surfaces affected will need to be replaced. Before panicking and believing that your situation is hopeless and is going to cost an exorbitant amount of money to repair, calm down and follow the advice below to clean up the mess and assess the room for damage. [Read More]

  • 3 Reasons Elderly Homeowners Are More Prone To Mold Problems In Their Home

    Mold is one problem that many homeowners fear so much that they will spend a lot of time researching and investigating to make sure their homes do not have a mold problem. Because of this, you would likely catch onto a mold problem before it completely overtakes your residence. Unfortunately, if you know an elderly homeowner, you have to help them be aware of mold in their home. These senior citizens often fall victim to major mold problems that almost completely take over before they realize there is an issue, which can be incredibly dangerous. [Read More]

  • Dos And Don'ts Of Handling Water Damage As A Homeowner

    Suffering from water damage as a homeowner can be extremely stressful, whether it be a busted water pipe or even basement flooding. By knowing what to do and what not to do when facing water damage in your home, you can take the proper steps to resolving the issue while minimizing damage as much as possible. DO Shut Off the Electrical Supply First of all, if possible, get shut off electrical supplies/circuit breakers to the affected areas of the home. [Read More]

  • What You Can And Can't Save When You've Had A Flood In Your Home

    If a part of your home floods, the types of items you can salvage depend on the kind of water that flooded your home and how long the items have been wet. Quick action is the key to recovering many personal effects from flood waters. Here is how to determine what you can and can't save from a devastating flood. Sources of Flood Water Flood water can come from inside or outside of your house. [Read More]

  • Find Signs Of Mold Contamination

    If you have a home that has been damaged by a flood or fire, mold may be a bigger issue than you realize. You may not think that a fire puts you at risk, but when your structure gets soaked with water, it creates a perfect atmosphere for mold to thrive in. Since you have to wait for the insurance company to approve restoration before it starts, the structure may remain waterlogged for longer than you realize. [Read More]